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Loan Category: homebuyer

  • Home
  • Loan Category: homebuyer

Cash for Keys

If you decide to walk out and no longer want to continue making your mortgage payment, we have a program that we can buy your home, which will help prevent you from going into bankruptcy and bad credit. We cannot allow you to walk away with nothing, but we can help you with moving expenses and can at least put you into a new home.

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Home cannot sell

If you are facing an unsellable home that has been on the market for a long time, it’s either you need to fix your home to bring it back to a sellable condition or your home might not be in a high demand area. Foreclosure auction date is getting closer, we can either buy your home at as is condition without any repairs, or we can find you a bank that has interest in giving you a loan, or we can sell your home to our group of investors.

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Rent your home

If you miss a payment and get layoff from your job and you want to keep your home but are closer to facing foreclosure, we can help rent your home while you find a new job. After a while, your financial situation begins to get better, and you want to get your home back, you are free to cancel the rent at any time.

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